Wireless Key Cards for Hotel Access Control System: it's convenient, no-need communication cable, easy to expand and install. Catching this demand, we're distributed Wireless Key Card products of Nitgen Technology (Korea) in Vietnam for ME Constractors, SI Consultants, Construction Consultaints are my partners.
Nitgen wireless key cards is a luxury solution for door access control and room management. It's
has developed for luxury hotels, restaurants, Buildings, Goverments, Bankings, 5 Stars Resorts, Air Ports,...
Please visit: www.protocol.com.vn to view more, or email: thanhan@protocol.com.vn
Nitgen wireless key cards is a luxury solution for door access control and room management. It's
has developed for luxury hotels, restaurants, Buildings, Goverments, Bankings, 5 Stars Resorts, Air Ports,...
Please visit: www.protocol.com.vn to view more, or email: thanhan@protocol.com.vn